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Colors Strange

So I've been programming, and I recently discovered that my range of colors are off on my 8x8 display.  My orange is yellow and my yellow is green.  I'm not sure what I can do and what I should do.


  • I was also curious how to release created games that I make.
  • edited May 2014
    For the green: Please download this newer version of the Meggy Jr RGB library.  If you still have trouble, open up the MeggyJr.h file, and try the alternate color mappings there:

    For releasing games, the best thing to do would be to get a github account, and upload your game there.  If you like, you can use a "pull request" on github to suggest adding it to our example set.  Once the game is up somewhere on the internet like that, we can add it to the list of Meggy Jr RGB projects: 

  • Thanks.  I was curious what I am supposed to do with the Meggy Jr RGB library.  I don't understand what I do after unzipping the file.  Please explain.
  • Please see here for how to install a library:
  • edited May 2014
  • Thank you so much for all the help that you provided me with.  On Github, I sent you a pull request for my game as well as uploaded my game onto a repository.  The pull request contains my program as a single tab; however, on my upload it is separated into tabs for organization.  I've greatly enjoyed working on the Meggy and look forward to future updates.  Thanks again.

    Link to my Repository with the game:
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