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Drawing/Plotting "thick" font texts

edited August 2016 in AxiDraw

Just got my AxiDraw. Its Wonderful.

My question is that how can I plot thick font texts?

For example if i type some thing in inkscape with the font Showcard Gothic, which is thick, how can I make sure the plot is filled?
Is the hatch option the only way to do that?


  • No matter what you do, if you want something to be filled, there has to be a path created for the pen to follow that will fill the shape. The hatch fill is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to do fills. We have written about some other methods here:

  • edited August 2016
    Additional notes on the process:

    To do the hatch fill, you'll first have to turn the text into paths.  Do this by selecting all the text, then do Path=>Object to Path.

    Now you can select all the paths, and then do Extensions=>Eggbot=>Hatch fill

    Before you do the hatch fill, use Inkscape's Fill and Stroke dialog box to make Inkscape not fill.  The "fill" Inkscape does is not made from any paths, and therefore will not show up in your plot.  This is why you have to do the hatch makes actual paths to do the filling!  8^)

    Good luck, and if you have problems then come back here and we'll see if we can walk you through it.

  • Hi Guys,

    Thanks alot, it clears a of of things now.

    So the pen won't write until there is a path for it to follow, and that goes for filling out thick text and shapes.

    Thanks again
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