I love the egg-bot and this forum/community. Sparkfun is coming to my little town and I signed up. Thank you to EMS too.
I'm trying different I/O pins on the EBB. I soldered pins into RB4, I have a harmless LED light plugged into it. The light is constantly on. When I do a test plot the light blinks on and off according to the nature of the plotted drawing. But it seems to me that the on/off are reversed. Using the pen arm for comparison, shouldn't the light be off at first (the equvilant of "pen up") and intermitantly flash on during the plot (the equivalant of "pen down")?
I'm guessing this is easy to fix in the softwear. The EBB comands pages is not clear to me. Where do I go to type those commands to enable B4 on the board?
Where to find the extensions on your system
Eggbot's extensions to Inkscape are text files. There are two text files per extension: a Python program with file extension .py and a menu description with file extension .inx. The syntax of the latter file is that of XML while its semantics are specific to Inkscape [3]. These files are located in different directories on different platforms: