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eggbot does not plot

edited November 2013 in Egg-Bot

i'm having trouble with making a plot with my eggbot..
When i hit the plot button the folowing masage shows up:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 215, in affect
  File "", line 286, in effect
  File "", line 552, in plotToEggBot
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( self.svg, self.svgTransform )
  File "", line 612, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( node, matNew, parent_visibility=v )
  File "", line 612, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( node, matNew, parent_visibility=v )
  File "", line 663, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.plotPath( node, matNew )
  File "", line 1062, in plotPath
    if len( simplepath.parsePath( d ) ) == 0:
  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape\share\extensions\", line 110, in parsePath
    raise Exception, 'Invalid path, no initial command.'   
Exception: Invalid path, no initial command.

what can i do to solve the problem?

Nadine Mieremet
The Netherlands


  • The SVG you have seems to be invalid SVG.  It has an SVG "path" element whose path data does not begin with a 'M' or 'm'.  It looks like you got that SVG file from somewhere other than Inkscape and it is either corrupt or invalid.  You might try one of the Eggbot sample svg files first if you have not already done so,

    As to fixing the broken SVG file, that would take some experience with SVG.  I suppose it's even possible that the file you have isn't even SVG?  You might contact whomever you got that file from if it is indeed supposed to be SVG.

  • Hi Nadine,
    Interesting!  One (longshot) thing that you might try is saving the file in the format "Inkscape SVG" and re-opening it, to see if that helps to fix any bad paths.

    Is there any chance you might be willing to post a link to the file so that we can make suggestions?
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