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  • Windell, do not worry about the holiday delay I *fully* understand. I've only got a couple hundred hours of python development, but 10's of thousand of hours doing C/C++/Fortan and more than 40 other languages.  I currently work under contract as a …
  • A quick note, I dusted off a laptop (with Win7 on it) that I've only turned on may 3 times in the last year) updated security, the OS, and installed Inkscape.  I got everything to work with Inkscape 0.48.2.  So, the machine is working.  I would stil…
  • A couple of notes, I tried running a number of supposed "static" binary builds to find that it could not find the already installed version of libpopt.  I tried three different rpm version, and finally gave up.  I may try setting up a virtual machin…
  • sorry for the delay I am scrambling to get stuff done for work before vacation, and I was just asked to make a couple of trips for work into Africa...  I understand about the time crunch, and frankly I am impressed that you were even willing to try …
  • I use eselect all the time.  Actually I already had it set to 2.7.3 (as suggested in one suggestion) without success.  I also tried to add the python-interpreter="/usr/bin/python2.7"  as well (again without success). As a note, you can also use ano…
  • huh?  Oh you mean problems setting up a testbed.  If there is a time we can we can sync up I can help walk you through it.  Can you email e off list? If not, if you start with the livecd and follow the instructions…
  • First please accept my apologies.  When I used the term "beast" I had not meant it to be disparaging.  Rereading the post (after some sleep) I see where it could be taken that way.  Sorry about that. So, moving on... sys.platform returns 'linux2' …
  • oops.  Sorry, I am dead tired and missing things.  I have not had a need to use inkscape for anything in over a year and do not know if there is any issues with my plugins.  I do know that I can run egmazing and several other extensions and they beh…
  • Also, where can I find the documentation on the setup (baud, parity, stop-bits, and commands that can be sent to the board via a hyper type terminal)?  I remember seeing something where we are supposed to be able to talk to the board directly...
  • Windell, thanks for the reply.  I am running the Gentoo Linux distribution with a 3.4.9 kernel.  I should be able to easily downgrade the version to whatever you suggest.  I can also downgrade the kernel if necessary. The error happens no matter wh…