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eibotboard on raspberry pi

edited February 2013 in Egg-Bot
I'm trying to get my eibot board working with a new raspberry pi model B. The Pi recognized the board when it is plugged in, dmesg says...

using dwc_otg
product EiBotBoard
manufacturer SchmalzHaus

Sorry, I'm not able to cut and paste the actual message in. Anyhow, there seems to be no virtual serial port created and when I run the eggbot plugin to inkscape it simply says "Unable to find Eggbot on any serial port :("

I have used this eibotboard on a regular x84 based PC and I know it works. I also have a pretty big 5V power supply that shoudl eb producing plenty of current. Does anyone have any experience getting this working with RPi ? Can you give me some more troubleshooting tips please.

I'm using raspberian, uname -a says its a version 3.2.27+ #250 PREEMPT kernel.



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