Hello, Please forgive my complete n00bishness here, because I have almost NO knowledge of electronics in general or microcontrollers in particular. I fried my microprocessor in my first octolively (let's not discuss the stupid reason why) and bought a new microcontroller. When I switched the fried microcontroller with one from another kit, the module worked, so I know a new controller should work.
I need to program it with the standard octolivley program so it plays nicely with the other four I've made, but have no idea how. I have access to an arduino with a breadboard--will that work to transfer the program? Can someone please explain this as if I were 3 years old? Seriously, I just looked at "the adafruit USBtiny kit" and had no freaking idea what any of it meant. Bootloader?!
Thanks for any assistance (especially the kind I can understand)