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Two Peggyboards are connected together

Hi Windell,
Two Peggyboards are close together ( 25x50 Leds) for show mov. / video. To transfer the processing sketch ( Mirror Peggy 3) I used 2x USB serial ( FTDI - Friend) and modified the sketch :
serial peggyPort;
serial peggyPort2;
int[] GrayArray = new int[1250];
void setup()
peggyPort = new Serial(this, "COM5", 115200);
peggyPort2 = new Serial(this, "COM7", 115200);
 size(cellSize2*50, cellSize2*25, JAVA2D);
  cols = 20; //width / cellSize;  
  ColLo = -50;
  ColHi = 25;
  rows = 25; //height / cellSize;
Now in the in the processing ID I can see the complet movie (25x50) , but not on the "new" Peggyboard (25x50).
There is only one board activ.
What must I do, that the mov. file will be split on two boards?
Thanks for helping me.


  • Essentially, you need to duplicate the functionality of the program to send the data to one Peggy to send it to the other as well. It may be easiest to generate two separate 25x25 arrays in the Processing sketch, and duplicate the existing code that sends the 25x25 array to a single Peggy.
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