Hi Windell,
Two Peggyboards are close together ( 25x50 Leds) for show mov. / video. To transfer the processing sketch ( Mirror Peggy 3) I used 2x USB serial ( FTDI - Friend) and modified the sketch :
serial peggyPort;
serial peggyPort2;
int[] GrayArray = new int[1250];
void setup()
peggyPort = new Serial(this, "COM5", 115200);
peggyPort2 = new Serial(this, "COM7", 115200);
size(cellSize2*50, cellSize2*25, JAVA2D);
cols = 20; //width / cellSize;
ColLo = -50;
ColHi = 25;
rows = 25; //height / cellSize;
Now in the in the processing ID I can see the complet movie (25x50) , but not on the "new" Peggyboard (25x50).
There is only one board activ.
What must I do, that the mov. file will be split on two boards?
Thanks for helping me.