My original server started acting strangely - it was chattering and moving slowly, haltingly to up and down. So I installed a replacement, but this one is acting weird.
I adjust it before plotting, such that it has 3 to 4 mm of travel on either side of "pen contact." But after a couple minutes of plotting, the servo's range starts to drift upwards. Eventually, the pen doesn't make it to the drawing surface, and the up position maxes out the pen arm travel.
At this point I abandon the plot and do a "pen up, motors off." Over the next few minutes, the servo very slowly returns to the original up position. I'm not an electronics guy, but it seems like there's some capacitance thing going on. If it was software, I don't think the servo would return with no input. Could it be the power supply, or interference? I did get one good, complex (long) plot before it started doing this. I bought a two-pack of servos; I'll put the second new one on there tonight and update if that fixes it...