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How to add a simple frame repeat section in code generated by PeggyDraw?

edited February 2014 in LED Matrix Kits
Hello forum!

I am implementing the AMAZING Peggy2Le into an installation and am looking for a down n dirty fast way to hack the code outputted from the PeggyDraw2 app. 

Here is the animation code generated by PeggyDraw2:

Can anyone recommend the simplest way to tell tell the Peggy to repeat frames [E.g. frame 3, frame 4] for a certain count duration, then move onto another sequence of frames?

I am looking to do this so to be able to find the best rhythmic repeating of the frames. It is a totally aesthetic decision and needs a lot of trial and error so to be able to easily hack the code is a lot easier than doing it in PeggyDraw.

Thanks a ton in advance!

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