I'm new here so i hope i'm in the right place.
I'm using a iMac with os 10.9 and Inkscape with the extensions.
I can't connect to the Eggbot board and there is no blinking lights ?
i have the following message : "Unable to find an Eggbot on any serial port.

And when i connected the power supply the servo moved up, nothing more.
Is any one can help ?
Thank you
PS : I'm not good at the use of the terminal (i just did an ls / dev ) but don't understand more.
Things almost always "just work" on the mac, so if they don't (by the second try) it's probably a hardware problem.
Next, check for communication (you can still leave the power supply off). Use the "Manual" tab in EggBot Control, and select from the menu "Check EBB Version." This will let you test the connection a little faster.