UPDATE, almost done, though just using Plotink to figure out how to write to EiBotBoard. Will post code when I'm done.
Just checking that no one has built a GUI to the Plotink, or directly for the EiBotBoard?
I also noticed that Plotink is not Python 3.4.x compatible (probably minor tweaks). So if you think it should stay in Python 2 then I can switch to that for GUI stuff. Thoughts?
I have a custom x/y board for moving a camera around using the EibotBoard and a couple of steppers from EMSL. I need to set parameters for it (stepper movements, shutter release, etc) to run a capture session. Will be easier to have a UI for others and for me to configure/test.
Any suggestions appreciated. I noticed that Stipplegen is done in Processing? Is that the way to go?