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Trying to plot some sketches but always a stop with: IndexError: string index out of range

edited October 2016 in AxiDraw
I just received my plotter

Excited with the first test, but every time I try to make a drawing the plotter stop with an error

Macosx Capitan
Inkscape 0.91 r13725

Please any help?
best from spain

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2047, in <module>
  File "/Applications/", line 268, in affect
  File "", line 253, in effect
  File "", line 519, in plotDocument
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( self.svg, self.svgTransform )
  File "", line 584, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( node, matNew, parent_visibility=v )            
  File "", line 584, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( node, matNew, parent_visibility=v )            
  File "", line 584, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( node, matNew, parent_visibility=v )            
  File "", line 584, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( node, matNew, parent_visibility=v )            
  File "", line 584, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.recursivelyTraverseSvg( node, matNew, parent_visibility=v )            
  File "", line 641, in recursivelyTraverseSvg
    self.plotPath( node, matNew )
  File "", line 1051, in plotPath
  File "", line 1343, in PlanTrajectory
    self.plotSegmentWithVelocity( inputPath[i][0] , inputPath[i][1] ,TrajVels[i-1] , TrajVels[i])
  File "", line 1827, in plotSegmentWithVelocity
    if strButton[0] == '1': #button pressed
IndexError: string index out of range


  • While it doesn't say so directly, this error actually indicates that there has been a communication error with the machine. Most often, we have seen this kind of thing when someone is using either (1) an extra long USB cable (2) an extra thin USB cable, or (3) a USB extension cord, but there are some other things that might cause this. If you are using a cable like one of those, you might try using the one that came in the box. If you are using the cable that came in the box, you might try a different cable (if one is handy), just to rule out that it isn't our cable that is defective.

    If the machine is behaving itself otherwise, we do have a newer version of the software that you might try, which catches and can "ride over" some of these nonfatal bumps. (The software is available on github, but if you e-mail us through our contact form, we can e-mail the full bundle to you, and that's likely easier.)
  • Ok,

    I am using the cable that came in the box
    But  I am going to try with another cable

    I sent already a mail, thanks
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