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Attempts to install AxiDraw_122.exe are blocked by Symantec anti-virus putting the file in quarantine for the non-specific "WS.Reputation.1" threat. This is on my office computer and I'm reluctant to introduce a potential issue on the company LAN by just retrieving the file from quarantine and proceeding. Any suggestions? Any chance EMSL could contact Symantec to have this file white-listed?
Well, that's annoying. We've had our software whitelisted by Symantec in the past, but it seems that WS.Reputation.1 has its own ideas.
I have submitted it to Symantec for whitelisting, but it may take a few days for the whitelisting and for that data to propagate to your computer's whitelist.
You might consider using the alternative "manual" install in the mean time:
Thanks Windell, that gets the AxiDraw extensions to show up in InkScape, but I get a "Failed to connect to AxiDraw.
" Windows control panel says there's no USB driver installed and letting it search didn't find one. I only see python stuff (I don't speak C or python) in the ..Extensions\serial folder. I tried the schmalzhaus site but the driver install links came back error 404. Should the driver have installed with the manual extension install, or am I missing something?
oops, I think the schmalzhaus links were for firmware updating, not usb driver, but I think we still need to install the driver
Good news: they’ve already approved the whitelisting, and that should filter out through daily updates in the next 24 hours.
On the failure to connect, try manually running the EBB "UBW" USB driver. It's available here:
Success, we're plotting, thanks!