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Text in negative space

Hello! I'm trying to design a cover where the background is a tight cross-hatch and the text is a negative space in that. I couldn't figure out a way to do that. Is that possible?


  • Sure. Start with the text, ideally a little larger, bolder, than you need the final shapes to be. Convert the text to paths, and use the boolean operations (boolean difference, for example: ) to subtract the "text" from a larger shape that you'll be filling-- for example a big rectangle.

    Then, select the resulting shape, and fill it using the AxiDraw Hatch Fill extension. For tight cross hatching, start with a line spacing of about 2 px, and make sure to adjust the tolerance parameter down to about 1. You'll likely want to connect nearby ends, and inset from edges a little bit-- but experiment with the fills to see what works well for you.

  • Yessssss thank you!

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