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FTDI USB-TTL cable or breakout board


I know what cable to get, but was  wondering about another option:

How compatible are all of these as I would find it beneficial to actually use a mini-usb on this and seems to cost a bit less than the cable. Now what I'm worried about is to make sure that I only feed 5v from one source. So need to make sure to disable all other power supplies before connecting.

As I see, the breakout would be facing down connected as is, but that should be an easy soldering fix...

A total noob to the whole Arduino world, so please forgive silly questions. 


  • From what I can tell, that uses the same chip, so it will be compatible.  (Our own store carries a similar board, the FTDI Friend, which is basically the same but with the addition of a few configuration options.)
  • Hi, 

    Thanks for the hint. Ordered the Friend. A very nice layout and with options.
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