Hi - newbie here.
I just finished assembling the Peggy 2 and powered it on to discover a couple of issues.
1. All the lights come on except blue (I have them configured in 2x2 squares, starting at the upper left with W(UL) R(UR) G(LL) B(LR).
2. The third and fourth rows (from the top) are very bright, while the rest of the rows are all somewhat dim (again, none of the blues are lit).
I've tried cranking the dimmers (forget what they're called) clockwise several times (is there a hard stop? they just kept spinning), and all the lights got a bit brighter - still not very bright, and nowhere near as bright as rows 3 & 4.
I tried removing one LED driver, then the other (same with the demultiplexers) and then swapping their slots. When certain chips were removed a portion of the board would not light, but no amount of moving things around made the LED's any brighter.
I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this further.
I appreciate any help. Thank you!
2. The board is P2 config
1. I have not done any programming as I had thought the default was to light all the LEDs as a test (is that wrong?)
If you think I should upload a new sketch I will ... Just as soon as I receive my replacement demultiplexer since I just broke three pins removing it