I say older egg-bot as I bought this one way back when they first came out and I don't know what version it is with regard to that.
Here's my current problem.
I installed Inkscape, put th extensions in the resources folder and hooked up the egg-bot (green light on the egg-bot bunks twice and then stops and repeats after a couple seconds, looks like dot-dash in morse code as the second blink is longer).
When in inkscape I try manual control to do anything and get the following script error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "eggbot.py", line 1373, in <module>
File "/Applications/Inkscape Folder/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/share/inkscape/extensions/inkex.py", line 268, in affect
File "eggbot.py", line 308, in effect
File "eggbot.py", line 1280, in EggbotOpenSerial
self.serialPort = self.getSerialPort()
File "eggbot.py", line 1327, in getSerialPort
serialPort = self.testSerialPort( strComPort )
File "eggbot.py", line 1307, in testSerialPort
serialPort = serial.Serial( strComPort, timeout=1.0 ) # 1 second timeout!
File "/Applications/Inkscape Folder/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/share/inkscape/extensions/serial/serialutil.py", line 282, in __init__
File "/Applications/Inkscape Folder/Inkscape.app/Contents/Resources/share/inkscape/extensions/serial/serialposix.py", line 289, in open
self.fd = os.open(self.portstr, os.O_RDWR|os.O_NOCTTY|os.O_NONBLOCK)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/cu.usbmodemfd14'
If anyone has seen anything like this or has a path to trouble shoot this I'd love to hear from you, thanks.