My son and I build a Peggy 2, but we are total software ignoramuses. I installed Processing, Arduino, and Peggy Draw 2. I have figured out how to making animations in Peggy Draw 2, and I believe I am saving them. When I try to run any of our animations, no matter what it is, I get an error message
"Unexpected char: "i"" I have not succeeded in getting any of the frames we have drawn to play on the actual peggy.
Because of my inexperience, I have no idea what any of this means, or what to do. I would appreciate any help--my son is a little disappointed that we have built this wonderful thing but can't make it do anything.
(Also, each time I save an animation, it saves as peggyprogram.pde. I change, the name, and when I change the name, it insists that i put it in a folder with the new name. Is that normal and OK?)
We have also tried to use the static drawing examples with the arduino program, but when I try to verify those, I get a message that says "Peggy2 does not name a type"
Because of my inexperience, I have no idea what any of this means, or what to do. I would appreciate any help--my son is a little disappointed that we have built this wonderful thing but can't make it do anything.
Thanks for any help.
I had installed the Peggy2 library (I can run the example on Peggy2 successfully)
Then I drew some animation and open it with Arduino, but it shows error like
" AnimationFrames" doesn't named a type
Don't know where goes wrong!
But I got a new problem. Some bulbs were out of control, I didn't draw it at some frames, but it still glowing
not sure which part going
Ps. Those error bulbs were on the same row, and also brighter than other bulbs
But I can say the error line also went wrong during testing with Peggy2 example
The top line of green part was brighter than other row
I looked the instruction, and checked my panel, jumpers were installed on JP3 & JP4
Is this setting correct?