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OH HEY! I think i tracked it down, and it totally is my system being stupid. I sort of stumbled upon this idea after glancing through the Processing code (i know what you mean now by that, its the library that runs the loading and saving of images b…
I seem to find the worst bugs in things leave it to me. Ive been toying with it a bit on console and found that it throws the same error when saving. Im trying to sift through the source code (ive always hated java) and see what might be causing it…
Yes, it does to a creepy degree. Granted i dont know how this thing is programmed but this next bit really boggles me. I noticed that grace.jpg file in the data folder and i figured that was how it referenced the default image. I looked at what code…
Of course i feel dumb, my brain isnt the best right now. Of course you can run it in terminal its a shell script. Got a verification on the error. Heres the log
ControlP5 0.7.2 infos, comments, questions at…
Java version hasnt changed and i didn't run any updates on the system. It was literally overnight that it stopped working. Using OpenJDK 7 and i thought that was the issue so i tried it with Sun Java but that didn't help either. Is there a way that …
I thought that too, so i tried a couple different ways to lower memory use (even though i have 16 gigs mostly unused). I tried using a smaller image but got the same problem. I tried setting the default image to generate with less ( i played with so…