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It is an egg, thanks for the link. So far if I set the scale for width to 200%. A little experimenting and I should be good. Thanks again for your help!
Whoops, I installed the wrong version of eggbot control. I just installed 2.6.4 and IT WORKS!
Now to work on why the EggBot seems to be compressing the width by half, odd.
Thank you for your help.
Okay, I reinstalled the latest EggBot control and here's what I show for versions:
OSx 10.11.2XQuartz 2.7.8 (xorg-server 1.16.4)Inkscape .91Eggbot 2.6.3
The control now no longer works at all, just the long error message.
Thank you for your help, I've had a bit of a change in environment since I last posted so here's where I am currently.
I updated the OS on the Mac to Yosemite - was that ever a process as my machine experienced some of the update problems. Anyway, a…