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Ken Kressin


Ken Kressin
Last Active


  • I'll try to test on my laptop in the coming days to see if I can get RoboPaint to work on it. I would also like to try on a Raspberry Pi, but the steps seem a little daunting at the moment. 
  • Inkscape worked first time I installed the 1.1 extension, selected the WaterColorBot extension, put on a swirl on the black layer, selected apply, and it painted a swirl (OK, I didn't have a brush in yet ).  
  • Even when I remove COM7, RoboPaint still claims it "Connected Successfully" (but EbiBotBoard not found). I disconnected my USB hub, and my keyboard, and the same thing. It looks to me like it is connecting to something else besides COM7... since it …
  • I was able to connect to COM7 with Putty (a serial monitor utility at 9600 baud). I was able to perform the R command and get "OK", I also ran SM,100,100,100 which appeared to move the steppers properly. And for the V command, I got "EBBv13_and_abov…
  • I see COM6 and COM7 appear when I plug the USB cable in, they appear in the Windows 10 USB devices list. I see COM6 from my USB hub, COM7 from the USB on the back of the computer. I can hit "remove device" and then they go away, and they seem to pro…
  • I have no luck connecting RoboPaint v2 beta 3 with Windows 10. When I plug in the WaterColorBot, I do get a COM port eventually appear. And when I run RoboPaint, I do get a brief flyout on the botton-right that declares "Status: Connected Successful…