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David Root


David Root
Last Active


  • Thanks for all your help... sorry I was not clearer from the start... BTW... if you don't mind giving a last bit of help... is the EBB firmware updater compatible with other boards... or does the fact it does not find mine really mean very little? T…
  • I ran the EBB firmware updater... nothing... the updater does not find the board... this board is one made by JJrobots... I don't know if that will matter... the EBB firmware updater seems to be looking for the board on the correct com port... but f…
  • Thanks.. give me a little while... I will get back to you one way or the other...
  • Tried to run the installer again... also reloaded the eggbot software extension... both the 2.4 and the 2.7.1 versions (separately)... and I got nowhere with it... the 2.4 version gave me the long error report in my first post... and the 2.7.1 gives…
  • Thanks... I will try this
  • 2.7.1, I was using 2.5... but I updated it after I posted, when I looked (I thought I was running the newest one)... and now I am just getting a "Failed to connect to EggBot. " error... so I am not sure what is happening.. thanks Sorry for the slow …