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  • I'm a bit late to the show on this one but this was my solution to a similar problem: It's a throwie consisting only of an LED, an ATTiny85 and a CR2032.  The trick i…
  • I have never had any issues with CP2021-based TTL boards and I have used quite a few, even very cheap ones.  The main potential issue is that they don't (easily) implement auto-reset.  Sometimes they also mark Tx and Rx the opposite way to the way y…
  • How low can you go? Depends how hard you are prepared to try... All from e-bay including shipping (mostly from China): CP2021 TTL board: $2.18 Arduino Pro Mini: $2.97 Mini Solderless Breadboard: $13.30 for 10 LEDs - 100 x 3mm, 5 mixed colours $2.…
  • I have been doing some small soldering projects with my daughter and her friends for a few years now.  They are now 8-9 yrs old and did their first soldering project around 2 years ago (we do other non-electronics projects too so they have probably …
  • I have also used OSH park with great success.  Depending upon the size and options you want, the basic boards from ITead Studio are stunning value for a 5x5 cm ($10 for 10 copies IIRC).  I do remember that 10 boards delivered to the UK was less than…
  • Thanks Windell - I must try the idea of looking at something fixed nearby to make them easier to read by eye. CheersUgi
  • This is an interesting one! I don't suppose you have bridged D8 & D9 somewhere (maybe where the headers are soldered in)? That might explain why the error LED would come on at the same time as the pulse LED. Your post seems to imply that the …
    in ISP error led Comment by Ugi August 2013
  • I assume that by "rows" you mean that you have joined the cells in series.  Voltage adds as you place solar cells (or indeed batteries) in series so, with a row of 9 you generate 9 x 0.5 = 4.5v.  About right for charging 2-3 x 1.2v NMH batteries i…
  • It also makes horizontal scrolling easier because you can shift whole bytes around in screen memory to move one pixel horizontally or (if the setup allows) just shift the screen memory start pointer and tidy up the edges.
  • Using 8x8-bit blocks for displaying is a method that dates back to at least the mid 80s - it makes writing text easier because you can write consecutive bytes from your character definition into consecutive bytes of "screen memory" to form a charact…
  • All I mean is that I have no facility to scroll the window down. It's working fine today in Firefox but to the right of the window I have a scroll-bar.  To scroll you click and drag that, or if you use the scroll-wheel etc then the bar moves as the…
  • Wow!  Now that's fast! Thanks Windell. PS There is no scroll-bar on this window so I can't see anthing that won't fit on one screen.  I have had a similar problem with other posts in the new forum - if it extends beyond one screen it's lost.  May be…