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  • PROBLEM SOLVED!My brother is pretty sharp! Turns out I have too long of a USB connection. We have a hub under the coffee table and access the system in the closet. Too many hubs in a row (2) and a 25 foot extension. Plugged directly into computer it…
  • Hey I have an idea! I'll send it to my brother so he can try it out. He's got one too and is responsible for getting me started. He's also an electronics engineer!
  • WOW had to download a new browser to get back here. I Have tried many things including cords and various EBF files. The serial read error keeps popping up. about 50% of command tries. A window opens with: Inkscape has received additional data from t…
  • Thanks. Those are good ideas. I'll reset the firmware too if needed. But alas, dinner calls! More later. Thank you
  • Pardon my confusion, I just meant to say I sucessfully installed inkscape, the Extensions and USB drivers. I have also connected sucessfully with the eggbot using the egg-bot controll panel. Individual commands occasionally work but a plot command w…
  • Win XP and I only updated the firmware after exasperation!