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> Searching for artwork and advice (how-to & artwork) on ornaments or spherical items has been less successful than I would've > thought.
Try thingiverse.comSearch for "eggbot" in their search tool. It'll turn up a variety of related "th…
My immediate concern would be the ever-present voids you find in cork. The pen tip follows the surface, moving up and down with variations in surface relief (heights). If the pen passes over a void, the tip will drop into the void. But when it tr…
A good way to share the plot or plots is to post them at and tag them with "eggbot".
See also some of the plots at E.g., the coordinate system demo plot .
For the multi-bot setup to work on Mac / Linux this will have to be incorporated in the eggbot extension.
Correct. I just never got around to doing that. At the time, there was no pressing need for it: Windell and Lenore were the only people likel…
1. On Windows this works well as file and device locking is mandatory. Moreover, the default is to create an exclusive lock when opening an I/O channel to a device. So, by default other threads and processes cannot concurrently access the device. …
Another tip: in Inkscape, set
View > Display mode > Outline
Then you'll see something much closer to what the Eggbot will draw. There is, however, a minor gotcha: things that the Eggbot will issue warnings about will be largely hidden fro…
In addition to Windell's comment,
Try to wiggle the egg by hand-- if it is not firmly locked in place, then you may see this kind of behavior
it helps to also rotate the egg around several times as you are trying to wiggle it. You may have it place…
A problem I used to have on my Mac was that I had another application (LiveScribe) which would periodically wake up, scan the USB devices, and then poke at any which were of a certain flavour without regard to whether they had the USB VID (vendor ID…
Nice results and interesting to read. Thanks for sharing this.
Also, consider the type of egg you draw on. Chicken eggs have particularly poor sizing in this regard. And cleaning them first with water with a little vinegar makes it worse. I prefe…
Were the layers created in Inkscape using it's concept of "layers"? SVG itself has no such concept. Consequently, different applications will implement layers in different ways using different conventions. The Eggbot Control extension only knows th…
One way to do this: based upon color, separate your design into different layers. Then print the design layer by layer, changing pens between each layer you print.
It is included as part of the Eggbot Inkscape extensions. If you have installed the Eggbot extensions for Inkscape, then you have it. If you have installed them but do not have it, then perhaps you have a much older version of those extensions? I…
You need to reduce the text to a path by selecting the text and then using Path > Object to Path. You can then select those paths it and hatch fill them with Extensions > Eggbot Contributed > Hatch Fill.
Happened with two different servos? Might this be a problem with the clock crystal or related circuitry on the EBB board? The timing of the pulse width controls how far the servo arm moves. And the timing is controlled by either an external xtal …
This is the has-gotten-to-be-standard push-me-pull-you with the PROGMEM attribute and avr-gcc. I battle this regularly myself as I go between different avr code bases which use different variations on this, each variation intended to appease some s…
The SVG you have seems to be invalid SVG. It has an SVG "path" element whose path data does not begin with a 'M' or 'm'. It looks like you got that SVG file from somewhere other than Inkscape and it is either corrupt or invalid. You might try one…
Personally, I don't even try to clean black PCBs. They're like a black finish on a car: anything I do shows, no matter how careful I am. Unfortunately, I don't have a good solder recommendation as I stocked up a few years back on solder and what I…
Out of curiosity, what sort of isopropyl alcohol did you use? The 30/70 (alc/water) from the store, the less often seen 90/10, or 100% pure isopropyl alcohol? Companies such as Digikey and Mouser sell the 100% (well, 99.9%) pure stuff and it works…
Look into "polargraphs", especially if you've previously seen a drawing robot drawing on a vertical surface and that's what you are interested in. Indeed, if you search that name, polargraph, you'll quickly find Sandy Noble's site over in the UK. …
Check out the eggbot download site,
See specifically, the eggbot sample collection,
You'll find an assort…
No, there is no software to directly control the Eggbot from Corel. While there have been a couple of other contributions to control the Eggbot by other means, they are not as polished as the Inkscape-based method and require a certain amount of sy…