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  • My first try was a freeze but i want to double check everything to be sure. (off to work now)Thank you for the sofetware revisions.On a seperate note: I am think of a new build using a Smoothie Board and the steppermotors I have on the Ostrich Egg B…
  • I downloaded the 2.6.4. Tried to Check the EBB version using the manual command.> Frozen. I tested the USB plug with an external hard drive and it does show up.
  • unplugged the board > tried to run the egg motor a few steps. Instead of "inkscape can't find the eggbot on any port" I get the crash instead.
  • Thanks for your help and quick response 1-I tried extentions> render> gear> gear >Aply button with Live preveiw box checked. I DO have the image of a gear/cog on the screen 2-unplugging effects no change. all buttons do not respond. I mu…
  • I dowloaded the newest eggbot extensions (2.6.3). Came back with an error window that was exactly like the one in this thread:Mac OSX 10.11.1 eggbot extension 2.6.3 problems with Inkscape 0.91 - Evil Mad Scientist Forums I followed the recommendatio…
  • Quartz 2.7.8 Mac OS 10.11.1  Inkscape 0.91 Eggbot extensions 2.5.0 EBB firmware unknown (Ostrich-egg model purchased in 2013, red colored board) Freezing or crashing, I am not sure the difference. When I go to Extentions/Eggbot/Eggbot control/ the…
  • Hi Windell, Thanks for your response.I have the engraver attachment too. I would like to try it. I have no experience in programming or reading code. Sorry for the stupid question but…  "Open up the Eggbot software ( within the Inkscape Ex…
  • This helped me thank you very much.